Bringing 20 Years Of
Experience To Your Case

The Need For Skilled And Decisive Legal Counsel When You Have Been Hurt At Work

The split-second it takes to suffer an injury at work may very well be a life-changing moment. In the immediate aftermath, you are likely confused as to what to do next. Medical attention comes first. As you ponder what is next, keep in mind that legal representation is necessary as you enter the process of securing workers’ compensation.

What To Do If You’ve Been Injured On The Job

If you have been hurt in the workplace, you may understand that you can file for benefits under the Mississippi workers’ compensation laws, but you may have no idea how to do that or what other rights and responsibilities you have. With the help of an attorney, you can get the information you need on the steps to take to protect your rights. From the day he started practicing law, Kyle Robertson has focused on workers’ compensation law. At Kyle Robertson, PLLC, our first priority is to ensure that your needs are met. To accomplish this objective, we strive to make ourselves available and accessible whenever you need to talk with us. We stress Christian values in our office, making certain we treat everyone with the utmost integrity and honesty.

When You Have Been Injured On The Job

Immediately Report Your Injury To Your Employer

The Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Act requires that you notify your employer of your injury. It does not matter how insignificant you believe your injury to be. It is extremely important that you notify your supervisor and fill out an accident report. If you have not yet reported your injury, do so as soon as possible.

Contact An Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney

The course of action you take from the beginning of your workers’ compensation claim is extremely important. You have the right to choose the physician that will treat your injury. Alternatively, you can accept treatment from the doctor provided by your employer and its insurance company. This decision can be critical to your claim and well-being. Let us help you make the right decision.

Even The Odds You Face Following A Job-Related Accident

At the office of Kyle Robertson, PLLC, we provide a free initial consultation to individuals who have workers’ compensation claims. To set up an appointment with an experienced workers’ comp lawyer, contact our Laurel office online or call 601-301-2349.