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Production facilities that lack lockout devices lack protection

On Behalf of | May 7, 2019 | Firm News |

There are plenty of dangerous machines at factories and production facilities. All it takes is one wrong move for a worker to get stuck and lose a limb or even their life. Thankfully, safety measures have been taken over the years to ensure that workers have plenty of training and warning signs when they are about to operate harmful machinery.

Some of the primary contributing factors to this decrease in injuries include lockout devices and procedures. According to OSHA, these can prevent around 120 fatalities and 50,000 injuries every year. Unfortunately, not every company has adopted these policies into their equipment and training. A recent incident at a Mississippi plastic manufacturer demonstrates the dangers of not implementing these safety protocols.

Mixing machine mix-up

Last month, OSHA fined a plastic production company in Picayune after a worker lost four of their fingers in a mixing machine. The machine started without prior warning and did not feature a lockout device to prevent the machine from energizing.

Additionally, OSHA found that the company did not train their employees to control the machines properly and the machine itself lacked safety guards that would have encouraged workers to maintain their distance. The company owes around $160,000 in penalties.

How companies can improve safety

OSHA has outlined how companies can control hazardous energy within their premises and what they can do to improve their protocols. These rules are applicable to all production facilities construct, adjust or modify equipment. Most of it revolves around implementing the proper safety devices on machine to ensure it doesn’t start up at the wrong time and training employees on how to handle them. They must also inspect these equipment and review procedures periodically to see if there needs to be any updates.

This workplace negligence can be extremely costly to the employees working with these hazardous materials. If you or a loved one suffer from the company’s mistakes, contact a workers’ compensation attorney to help you financially recover from a workplace catastrophe.