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What happens if workers’ compensation is denied?

On Behalf of | Jun 20, 2019 | workers' compensation |

When a claim for workers’ compensation benefits has been denied, it can be devastating for the injured worker and their family. As a consequence, it is important for injured workers and their families to be familiar with workers’ compensation appeals options and the reasons a workers’ compensation claim for benefits may be denied.

It is important to note that the reasons a workers’ compensation claim for benefits may be denied, and the options available to injured workers if a claim for benefits has been denied, vary by state so it is important for the injured workers to be familiar with the workers’ compensation rules and requirements in their state. A workers’ compensation petition can be filed in Mississippi if the injured worker disagrees with a denial of benefits they have received.

Because workers’ compensation claims can be denied for different reasons, it is important for injured workers to follow all of the requirements to make a claim for workers’ compensation benefits, as well as to follow the associated timelines. A workers’ compensation claim for benefits may be denied if the injury was not reported in time; if the workers’ compensation claim was not reported in time; if the employer disputes the workers’ compensation claim; if the injury suffered by the worker is not covered; there is insufficient evidence that the injury is work-related; or the injured worker did not receive any medical treatment which is generally required for a workers’ compensation claim for benefits.

In addition to the other timelines mentioned, there are also timelines associated with a workers’ compensation appeal so injured workers and their families should also be familiar with those deadlines and ensure they meet them as well. Understanding the workers’ compensation process, which can sometimes be challenging, can only benefit injured workers and their families when they need to make a claim and need the important benefits to help them with their injury.