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Can office workers receive workers’ compensation?

On Behalf of | Mar 19, 2019 | Firm News |

You may know that workers’ compensation is a type of insurance employers carry that helps their employees cover expenses if they are hurt on the job. What you may not know is that virtually all employers are required to carry workers’ compensation. This includes employers that are not generally considered “hazardous”, like those that run out of offices.

White collar workers aren’t any more impervious to on the job injuries than construction workers, their injuries are just different. Of the injuries office workers typically suffer, these are among the most common and debilitating.


As reported by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, the CDC has stated that office workers are 2 to nearly 3 times as likely to suffer a serious falling injury compared to other jobs. Never undercut the damage a nasty fall can do. Tripping over cables, slipping on a wet floor or falling over a seam in carpeting are all real hazards that can lead to broken bones, concussions, spinal injuries or worse.

Ergonomic conditions

Sitting at a desk all day can put strain on your joints, back and neck. This strain can build overtime and lead to several types of ergonomic conditions – or pain caused by positioning your body awkwardly. These conditions can be as debilitating as broken bones when they arise and are often covered by workers’ compensation.

Eye strain

On the subject of strain, staring at one or more computer monitors every day can put considerable stress on a person’s eyes. Blurred vision, dizziness and headaches are all symptoms of exhausted or strained eyes.

Physical violence

While hopefully not a factor in your office, workplace violence is a real threat for some. According to OSHA, 2 million workers are victims of violence each year, and in 2014 over 400 of the 4,679 fatal workplace injuries were homicides. Being assaulted is a crime, and when it happens at work it is almost certainly covered by workers’ compensation.

On the job injuries take many forms, and those forms change depending on where you work. Never undersell the severity of an injury you suffer because of where you work. Workers’ compensation exists to help you get back on your feet after an accident – don’t be afraid to use it.